Alto de Beneixama
elevation: 989m gradient: 4.4% distance: 8.9km
a.k.a. Port del Moro (from Fontanars dels Alforins)
The climbs that almost makes it to 1000m! It's also an often overlooked or unknown climb but does provide a fantastic interlude for rides into the wine country or as a challenge in itself. The gradients are mostly kind too and combined with a stop in Fontanars make for a more relaxed climbing day on the bike, if 1000m mountains can be considered relaxing. The descent is somewhat technical to Beneixama but can be enjoyed at a steady pace too, as the views in Spring especially are worth slowing down for.
The descent to Beneixama is amongst the favourites with our guests; it's free of cars, the recently resurfaced tarmac is perfect and corners flow with great visibility and rhythm.
The climb can also be tackled from Beneixama and is much easier. The descent to Fontanars is very technical with several tight hairpins that are approached at speed.